British plant life : Keeper of the Herbarium and Library Royal Botanoc Gardens , Kew /
British plant life
W.B.Turrill ; D.Sc.Lond , F.L.S. ; Editors : J.Fisher , J.Gilmour etc ; Photographic editor : Eric Hosking , F.R. P.S. ; photographs by John Markham , Brian Perkins , F.Billard and others .
- London : Collins , [1948] .
- 315 p . : 53 colour photographs , 27 photos. in black and white , 8 maps and 2 diagrams ; 23 cm.
- The New naturalist . A Survey of British Natural History . .
Glossary : p . 294-301 Index : p . 303-315
Bibliographies : p . 285-293
To the Memory of my Mother to whom I Owe my love of Plants