General Biology /
Mvor , James Watt ,
General Biology / James Watt Mavor . - Third edition - New York : The macmillan Company , 1947 . - 986 p . : Fig . ;
Index : p . 941-986
Appendix A , B : p . 913-939 .
To Dorothy Jessup Mavor , James Watt Mavor , Jr . Huntington Mavor
574/577 M-41
General Biology / James Watt Mavor . - Third edition - New York : The macmillan Company , 1947 . - 986 p . : Fig . ;
Index : p . 941-986
Appendix A , B : p . 913-939 .
To Dorothy Jessup Mavor , James Watt Mavor , Jr . Huntington Mavor
574/577 M-41