Astrophysiqs and space scence library Dynamics of close binary stars/
Kopal Zdenek
Astrophysiqs and space scence library Dynamics of close binary stars/ Zdenek Kopal - Dordrecht,Holland,Boston,USA D.Reidel 1978 - v. - Astrophysics and space science library .
Dynamics of close binary stars v.67 (1978, 510 p.)
astrophysics--sstars,close bibary,dynamics
stars,dynamics, binary stars
Astrophysiqs and space scence library Dynamics of close binary stars/ Zdenek Kopal - Dordrecht,Holland,Boston,USA D.Reidel 1978 - v. - Astrophysics and space science library .
Dynamics of close binary stars v.67 (1978, 510 p.)
astrophysics--sstars,close bibary,dynamics
stars,dynamics, binary stars